Sublime Blog

Typeful Development

June 23, 2020

The acronym TDD means test driven development and is familiar to many developers. Using tests to drive design is a tool. It’s a tool that I don’t particularly like - an option to help design, but still just one of many ways to design. Often it is good to have tests, but they don’t have to exist before the code under test, especially as the design can evolve as we gain experience from implementing it. How many of what tests (unit, integration, end to end, wider system) to write is another discussion. It’s clear that test code coverage percentage doesn’t mean anything in itself, but the output line coverage is another tool that provides feedback on what has been tested so far. Tests are good for actually operating the software and checking if specific use cases of that software work as expected. Tests don’t prove anything, although in theory some things could be exhaustively tested if the combinations of different inputs is low enough that all possible inputs could be executed and the output checked against expected values.

TDD also means type driven development. Types, unlike tests, do not operate the software and so cannot check that it actually runs at all. Types are the most popular formal method in software development though and can be used to prove somethings about the software before it even runs. Tests are useful to see that it runs and does some appropriate things given a limited number of test inputs, whilst types help by proving that only a limited set of inputs are accepted and that those inputs have certain properties. We use types to create more precise formal descriptions of the valid values.

What’s a type?

One view of a type is that it is a set of values. A boolean is a really simple type, it has two values called true or false. The underlying bytes within the computer are untyped, just bits that are manipulated as numbers by the CPU. Our programming languages can build types over those numbers however. A boolean’s representation as a number can be 0 and 1 and even though it only requires 1 bit of information, it will use at least 1 byte (as that is the basic addressable unit of computers) unless multiple booleans are specially bit packed together (e.g. in a bit-vector).

Reducing the number of values in a type’s set makes it easier to think about. Practically though the number of values in a set is often huge, e.g. 4 billion for a single 32bit number and so when you have just two 32bit number parameters as inputs to a function the combinations of values (well the same as a single 64bit integer) is already thoroughly impractical to exhaustively test. Strings are a very common type that have an infinite number of values (ignoring memory limitations).

So, reducing the number of values in a set helps, but may have little practical benefit by itself. The greater benefit of the type system is in controlling whether different type sets can be mixed together, e.g. mixing strings and numbers is a type error. Javascript is painfully bad at this, e.g. letting 1 + "1" be valid ("11" apparently).

There are other views of types, such as a type being a behavioural specification. I’m focussing on the data view - types as a set of values because data is the ultimate contract. It is data that computers process, persist and transfer between programs in potentially different languages and runtimes. Data often outlives one particular program and what we want to do with it. Indeed, types in functional programming usually keep the behaviour (functions) separate from the definition of the data (types). In Python we can use dataclasses or namedtuples to describe types without any attached behaviour. Object orientation too easily complects state, behaviour and namespacing…but it’s not time for a Kingdom of Nouns type rant or questions of who owns the data when modelling class hierarchies.

So, how do we build our sets of values (data types)?

Record types

A.k.a structs/objects. These simply aggregate/compose different types whilst naming the parts.

struct Foo {
    int32 x;
    bool b;

In terms of algebraic data types this is a product type, so called because the number of valid combinations of values in the set for type Foo is a product of the sets within the type. In this case 2 * 2^32 as there are two values in the bool (boolean) set and 2^32 for the 32bit integer. As basically every programming language has these they are pretty boring by themselves.

Disjoint Unions

A.k.a discriminated union or perhaps enum. Many programming languages have “enums”, which specifies an exact set of values for a type.

enum Colour {

A Colour in this case can be one of three values. In terms of algebraic data types this is a sum type, because as you can guess, when you aggregate them under a composite type such as a struct, you add the number of values in the set to calculate the number of values in the composite type’s set. E.g. struct TwoColour { Colour a; Colour b } has 3 + 3 values in the type’s set of values.

Plain enumerations themselves have been around for a long time, but are not properly disjoint unions. Many programming languages lack the ability to have data attached to each union case:

type Shape =
    | Square of Side: int
    | Rectangle of Length: int * Height: int
    | Circle of Radius: int

In object orientated languages this could be modelled as a sealed class hierarchy with abstract base class Shape and 3 subclasses Square, Rectange and Circle each with their own data. Disjoint unions are closed types - you cannot add new subtypes without altering the definition. As an aside the Ocaml language has polymorphic variants - open disjoint unions. A closed type disjoint union is very easy for the reader and compiler to understand before the program has run.

Open vs Closed

An open type, such as the typical unsealed class hierarchy has some utility in that it can be extended by third party code. This is definitely useful at times, but I consider it the wrong default. Domain modelling usually aims to make clear and visible all state to be processed. When the data is modelled as a closed type we can reason about it statically. I don’t even think most OO type class hierarchies want to model the data as open, it’s just that functions (methods) are attached to objects and polymorphic functions are used to vary/extend behaviour at runtime, possibly by third party code. When single dispatch polymorphism is your only type of runtime polymorphism it’s easy to mix up the data modelling and behaviour - virtual/polymorphic methods can only be used if the class hierarchy is still open (the class is not “final” or “sealed”).

Unrepresentable Illegal States

“Make illegal states unrepresentable” is a common theme in well typed domain modelling. When we have disjoint unions and record types it is much easier to accomplish. A small example could be modelling an event status as not-started, started at timestamp or finished with a duration. Without disjoint unions records/objects are often poorly used to model these:

class EventStatus:
    has_started: bool
    has_ended: bool
    started_timestamp: Optional[time]
    finished_duration_seconds: Optional[float]

Here, we use a Python dataclass but it could easily be any class object in one of many OO languages. This model allows us to represent illegal domain state, or most charitably, record older irrelevant state information. We may incorrectly base our logic on reading has_started=True as implying that we are in the “started at timestamp” state, especially as we are being careful to model started_timestamp as an Optional and so we will check that it is not None. In this situation we have to know to check that has_ended=False, or maybe we don’t even have a has_ended value and instead have to check whether finished_duration_seconds is not None.

In the real world I’ve seen uglier more complicated classes. Even if you are hiding the details as private state behind an object interface it can be bug prone for the maintainer or reader. The developer and certainly anyone less technical will struggle to see the domain in that. There are plently of objects that encapsulate state but a lot of the representable state is supposed to be impossible in the domain. Just being able to set has_ended=False and finished_duration_seconds=123 or has_started=True but leaving started_timestamp=None is asking for trouble as logic becomes more complicated and other people have to read and maintain the code.

One way to do this better without disjoint union support is to create a separate record for each case. Declaring classes can be verbose in some languages, so it may not always be done even if it’s acknowledged as cleaner.

class EventStatus:

class NotStarted(EventStatus):

class Started(EventStatus):
    started_timestamp: time

class Finished(EventStatus):
    duration_seconds: float

That’s fairly concise using dataclasses. It is an open type. Full blown Java/C#/Python/Ruby classes with constructors etc. would take up a lot of lines to convey very little information.

type EventStatus =
    | NotStarted
    | Started of started_timestamp: time
    | Finished of duration_seconds: float

A proper disjoint union, in F# this time, is even more concise. Python may not have them built into the language but there is a third party library adt:

from adt import adt, Case

class EventStatus:
    STARTED: Case[time]
    FINISHED: Case[float]

So, by making illegal state unrepresentable you have reduced state space, the size of the set of values that your domain type uses. Crucially, if you generate random values of that type you know that it is valid domain state, which is where types interact with property based testing. Probably more important than the testing is being able to read and understand the domain clearly.

Optionals, Results

At this point a lot of developers have heard about null/null pointers/none/nothing being the “billion dollar mistake”.

An Optional type is clearly useful, it models in the domain the idea that something may not exist. If your programming language has some way to track nulls with Options/Maybes/Nullable references, or whatever their called, then a type without that Optional annotation should never be null/none. The challenge in recent years has been that many languages implicitly allow everything to be optional even when the type does not state it.

Results are much like optionals except when there is nothing, a failure type is conveyed instead of nothing. This was covered more in the post on error handling.

New Types

A quick easy win for reducing errors is not reducing the number of values you deal with as it will probably be huge anyway. Separating types within you domain is however fairly easy and something that seems heavily underused.

from typing import NewType

UserId = NewType("UserId", int)
UserCount = NewType("UserCount", int)

Same representation, but very different uses. APIs full of primitives - strings, numbers, booleans etc. don’t convey much at all useful through the types. Maybe the data is just data and you don’t want to put any in depth domain model onto it. That can be fine, but too often the proper domain modelling never takes place when it should.

Really a new type is just an idiom for wrapping one single type inside another with another name, which leads to…

Nominal Types

Nominal types are a very familiar and just mean a named type. The name is used to separate the types and has some meaning to the domain modeller. The benefit is much the same as new types. The NotStarted dataclass in the python example without disjoint unions has no values (or just one value - the empty set), so the usefulness of NotStarted is in it being a different named empty set compared to other named (or unnamed) empty sets. The EventStatus class is also empty of data values. Its name and inheritance relationship to NotStarted, Started and Finished is there to, in a more hidden way, create a three value enumeration of EventStatusType.

Shrinking the State Space

The language primitives often have huge state spaces. In python the NewType constructor does nothing at runtime except return the wrapped type, e.g. a NewType("UserId", int) is just an int at runtime. That makes it easier to use - the lowest amount of ceremony possible compared to other new type idioms (e.g. in Rust it’s a tuple with one element and is accessed with .0 and in F# it’s a single case discriminated union that can be pattern matched or given a Value property accessor as one example). We could trust our clients to follow any implicit contracts (fine in many cases for getting the most value for effort out of the new type).

When exposed for wider use we can lock it down. This is what constructors or make_* or new_* functions are useful for.

EmailAddress = NewType("EmailAddress", str)

def make_email_address(s: str) -> Optional[EmailAddress]:
    ... # regex validate or return None

Python is very open of course, it’s easy for someone to use EmailAddress directly, so if you want strict control then a traditional class and more verbosity is required.

class EmailAddress:
    def __init__(self, s: str):
        ... # regex validate or raise exception

    def value():

    def make(s: str) -> Optional[EmailAddress]:
            return EmailAddress(s)
        except Exception:
            return None

That’s a bit painful though as the EmailAddress constructor cannot return any value, meaning it’ll have to raise an exception - something I’d prefer to avoid as discussed in error handling. So we put a factory static method in place to “hide” it (not that python has a lot of access control mechanisms). Optionally we put a property accessor in place, whereas with the plain new type there was no accessing required. Dataclasses don’t make it easier as they are syntactic sugar for generating classes. So, I’d stick with a simple new type and make_email_address creating function. As the python language primitives are all immutable we often don’t need to worry about mutability with a new type in python. We’d consider using the frozen=True (immutable) dataclass parameter if trying to use immutable data and dataclasses.

Reference vs Value Types

Somewhat related to clear domain modelling is whether types with value / structural semantics are easily available. Whilst it may have its place, the default reference type semantics in many primarily OO languages does not fit high level thinking.

class Person:
    age: int
    name: str

This is poor domain modelling but it does use value and structural semantics. This means we can take two Person objects and naturally compare them for equality, i.e. if the person.age and is the same as some other Person object then they are the same, which I think is usually a better default than what we get with classes:

class Person:
    def __init__(self, age, name):
        self.age = age = name

p1 = Person(42, "bob")
p2 = Person(42, "bob")
p1 == p2  # False!

Here we see reference (do they have the same address in memory) equality is linked with individual instance identity. Ordering (less than, greater than) is just as awkward, whereas with dataclasses we can often add order=True and we’re done. None of that taking care to properly define a less than comparator and worrying that we should override hashcode generation if we override equality etc. FYI namedtuples in python are naturally ordered.

Treating types with value / structural semantics is more appropriate when using immutable types, such as functional first development with pure functions. Pure functions and immutable data have little interest in object reference identity, the place in memory, as we will be making new immutable data from the old. This what is FP article chooses to emphasise dataflow in FP programming, which I’ve not really done when talking about pure functions and FP first development, but I do agree with it. Using immutable data and pure functions means that each function creates new data and shows it to the next function. References to objects are not passed through the flow of the program with the purpose of using them to mutate the objects. State aliasing and tracking state is something computers and not humans are good at.

Again, even if it’s possible people may not bother with something like value / structrual semantics if it’s much more effort to create than the default reference semantics. Python at least is in good shape here if we stick with dataclasses, namedtuples or the third party library attrs.

Lists, Sets and Associative Mappings

Lists (whatever that means in your language, I’m thinking of something implemented as a dynamic arrary) can model zero+ instances of a type and sets do the same but enforce uniqueness. Sets deny any ordering but lists are implicitly ordered, which even if not part of the API, clients may depend on in some subtle way. Sets are probably underused, but if I’m thinkinig of performance, then a dynamic array type of list is the fastest general purpose datastructure, though sets implemented as hash tables are reasonable. Along with lists, associative maps (dictionaries, implemented as hash tables) are the work horses of application code. Associative maps associate a single key with a value, but it’s not hard to implement or just use (e.g. defaultdict(list) in python) an associative map that links a single key to multiple values (multi map).

Python has literal syntax and comprehensions for sets, lists and dicts - easy to use.

Other Types?

There’s so much more that can be done with types. Keep following that road and we will end up at Haskell or Scala with Scalaz or perhaps beyond those to languages like Idris (but that’s really academic for now). Even without type systems that can describe generic types (e.g. List[T]) at a higher level (e.g. C[T] where C is another type abstraction) there are usually constraints we can put on generics. Generics (parametric polymorphism) lets us write code once that works for different types, so the cost benefit analysis is a bit less about domain modelling and more about saving typing or deduplicating similar code.

TDD and Pattern Matching

So what was type driven development? Much like writing tests first, one can write well typed function signatures that captures the program requirements as dataflow through various functions. As data is in many ways the ultimate contract it’s good and necessary for this sort of TDD to define the types first, which really just means work out your domain model first. This is contra to writing functions/methods “defining” behaviour through the names of functions, which is not something that compilers and type checkers can formally analyse in any useful way.

EmailAddress = NewType("EmailAddress", str)
GDPRMarketableEmailAddress = NewType(
    "GDPRMarketableEmailAddress", EmailAddress)

def f(e: EmailAddress) -> Optional[GDPRMarketableEmailAddress]:

This function is terribly named, but if you understand the domain types it’s clear what it does (assuming it’s a pure function that has no side effects). Types have more utility the better their constraints match the domain.

Going back to open and closed types, the closed types are fully specified and visible to the type checker. Most languages lack one of disjoint unions (a closed type) or pattern matching. Some pattern matching features maybe present but not exhaustive. Exhaustive pattern matching requires us to handle every “shape” or case of a disjoint union. We can evolve our disjoint union domain type and every function that takes one as input will be checked. No problem such as forgetting to update a switch statement in languages without pattern matching. If we have done our modelling correctly we get the added benefit of only ever handling valid states in the pattern matching branches.

class EventStatus:
    STARTED: Case[time]
    FINISHED: Case[float]

es = ... # get event status instance
es.match(not_started=lambda: ..., # handle not started case,
         started=lambda started_time:  ..., # handle started case
         finished=lambda: finished_duration:  ...)# handle finished case

Python does not have pattern matching though the mypy type checker seems to be getting better at spotting unhandled situations. The adt library does generate a match method that forces you to provide handlers for each case.

type EventStatus =
    | NotStarted
    | Started of started_timestamp: time
    | Finished of duration_seconds: float

es = ... // get event status
match es with
| NotStarted -> ...
| Started startedTime -> ...
| Finished 0.0f | 1.0f -> ...

An example of a stronger pattern matcher in F#. The pattern matcher allows us to match a finished case where the finished duration is exactly zero or one seconds. This example won’t compile as it does not handle all valid Finished cases.

What to remember

Data types are core to domain modelling. Make illegal states unrepresentable.

Notes from a software engineer with two decades working in various industries - games, poker and gambling, music streaming and telecommunications. Likes fast code and functional programming. Based in the UK.

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