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Property Based Testing in Python

July 01, 2020

In software, “testing” usually means functional testing. Writing functional tests means testing an API, a contract, an interface. It’s about what is tested and not how. Note, performance testing and all its variations is the obvious form of “non-functional” testing that software goes through - metrics about how it works and not what it does. Following some general notes on testing, this post looks at property based testing, a form of functional testing.

Software Layers

Software is usually built with a combination of top-down (defining the high level API / feature / contract first) and bottom-up (the building blocks first), not one to the exclusion of the other. Top-down and bottom-up is reference to the idea of layering software. A low level “primitive” or “unit” function is called by a higher level function, that may “integrate” other low level functions. This in turn can be integrated with even higher level functions until the function is top level and defines something of tangible value (business, feature, end user).

brick layers

Each function, at any layer, has a contract, a public API. The overall shape of layers could be like a straight brick wall or a pyramid (fairly common), but even an inverted pyramid if the building blocks are re-used in many places. Source code does not have to be layered but architecting as a layered pyramid or a directed graph without cycles (or with minimal cycles but only at the same layer) is important to achieve goals such as better coherence/cohesion, reduced coupling, single responsibility and DRY (don’t repeat yourself) code. Lack of layering will lead to circular dependencies. Functional first code that maximises pure functions and minimises unnecessary state naturally tends towards this layered architecture, because of the idea of building a pure functional core around which an imperative impure shell exists. This architecture is harder to arrive at without effort in OO development but is captured by the Ports and Adapters / Hexagonal architecture pattern. Interestingly, in F# programming circular dependencies are disallowed between source code modules - you are forced in the direction of a better architecture. In Python programming you have to separate out and layer somethings better (more so than in e.g. Java or C#) because circular imports between modules cause run time errors.

Thorough testing?

When it comes to writing thorough tests, the number of which can often be helpfully reduced by leveraging typeful development to constrain the inputs, the sure way to succeed is to write tests for every layer of the software stack. What makes a single test valuable is another discussion. In general testing the contract / interface / api of the function under test - what it does should be the main point, hopefully in an isolated way that could run in parallel and with as little environment setup as possible (a good point for pure functions). So, test the lowest level units. Test the functions that integrate the units and so on all the way up to the end to end tests or “system” tests that make multiple processes work together, same host or distributed. I tend to prefer more thoroughly testing the lower level units, as they are maybe the core building blocks of many other higher level functions, but also more thoroughly doing the user level / end to end tests as they provide the core value. There are strong opinions and reasons given for preferring one and or the other. Ultimately value comes from testing where there is greatest risk, but you still have to be able to identify risk.

When unit testing is reduced then the tests of the higher level functions have to be more thorough, which can be extra challenging as those higher level tests tend to be relatively much slower.

Avoid mocking

Whilst the ratio of unit to high level tests maybe unclear, I’d certainly avoid behavioural testing which is a form of white box testing and so more non-functional in its nature (almost a performance test). Code bases with lots of mocks and spys that are used to verify that x called y, how many times and in what order are fragile - easy to break by changing the implementation details. Hopefully it will become clear but functional first architectures favour “classical” testing and thankfully I think “mockist” testing is dying in popularity.

Python in some ways makes mocking too easy. The unitest.mock library can easily patch functions to create actual mocks or stubs or fakes (not actually “mocks”). It’s not as highly coupled as behaviour verification testing but can still be far too coupled. A solution to that is dependency injection. It often looks different in an FP first architecture due to the avoidance of side effects - the maximisation of pure functions. As it is in many ways the last challenge in settling on a general high level FP first architecture, it will have to be its own series of posts.

Concrete tests

Most tests are written in a concrete example style - existential logic. There exists this input and following a call to this function there should exist this output. We use types to describe universally quantified logic - for all values of x, x is an integer etc. This is a theorem that a compiler / type-checker proves statically. That’s what the whole Curry Howard isomorphism (types as propositions) is about.

def add2(x: int) -> int:
    return x + 2

input_value = 2
output_value = add2(input)
expected_value = 4
assert output_value == expected_value

A concrete test is one of the clearest forms of documentation for using the unit under test. The add2 function is pure, so it’s easy to actually call (nothing external to it need be reasoned about). Pure and easy or not, unfortunately many functions are only happy path tested and often not even all of the happy paths.

Property tests

We can create better constrained types to reduce the state space - the number of possible input values. The other approach is to generate more input examples. To do this efficiently (in terms of development time) this needs to be done by the computer. This means that our tests do not involve writing directly in source code mappings of input values to expected output values. Instead the input values will be generated for us. So, why is it called property testing? We have to test general logical properties that relate the inputs to the outputs and not hardcoded values.

from hypothesis import given
import hypothesis.strategies as st

def test_add2_then_subtract2_equals_inputs(some_integer):
    x2 = add2(some_integer)
    assert x2 - 2 == some_integer

The Hypothesis property testing library will work with pytest automatically after installing the hypothesis package. The trivial property here is that ((x + 2) - 2) == x. A common example in property testing tutorials is with lists:

def test_twice_reversed_unchanged(some_list):
    assert reversed(reversed(some_list)) == some_list

This should be an obvious kind of property to test for any sort of encode/decode or serialise/deserialise library.

Value generators

st.integers is a strategy that generates “random” integers. Property testing is not random like Fuzz testing where it’s fine to generate invalid junk data. The strategies generate specific types controlled by the programmer. Property testing was first widely used in Haskell (and Erlang) programs. In those languages and many other languages that have a property testing library the strategy is called a generator, but I guess that conflicts with Python’s actual generators. In Haskell the type system is advanced enough that the compiler could often automatically generate values that match the required function input types. In dynamically typed languages like Python the programmer generally must specify appropriate generators, though hypothesis can infer some strategies from input type annotations.

class Colour(Enum):
    RED = auto()
    GREEN = auto()
    BLUE = auto()

UK_POSTCODE_RE = r"^([A-Za-z][A-Ha-hK-Yk-y]?[0-9][A-Za-z0-9]? ?[0-9][A-Za-z]{2}|[Gg][Ii][Rr] 0[Aa]{2})$"
few_primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]

@given(st.booleans(), st.characters(), st.dates(),
       st.emails(), st.floats(),
       st.one_of(st.sampled_from(Colour), st.none()),
       st.sampled_from(Colour) | st.none(),
       st.fixed_dictionaries({"name": st.text(), "age": st.integers()}),
       st.lists(st.integers(), min_size=1, unique=True),
       st.from_regex(UK_POSTCODE_RE, fullmatch=True))
def test_something(some_bool, some_char, some_date,
                   some_email_str, some_float,

Those are just some of the built in strategies. We can generate random strings from a regex from_regex and other examples like integers, ip_addresses, sets, tuples and uuids. Naturally we can generate text.

You can use any hypothesis strategy as utility value generators, for tests or not:

printable_ascii = ... # characters sequence or strategy
st.text(min_size=1, max_size=10,

The initial calls to example seem biased towards boundary values like 0 though, not your typical pseudo random number generator.

State space control

The state space is infinite for many of these value generators. It is a good idea to start by not constraining them if your actual types are equally as unconstrained, then you will quickly see what needs improving about your types or handling of the data. You won’t just get typical happy path inputs, there will be things you have not handled properly.

st.floats() obviously generates floats. Without any further constraints the strategy allows infinity and nan (not a number). Limiting the range with st.floats(min_value=-360.0, max_value=360.0) or specifying st.floats(allow_nan=False, allow_infinity=False) will control that.

st.text() is good for a unicode world, it will generate utf-8 valid strings, emojis and all. To limit to ascii use we could use

# or more concisely
st.text(alphabet=string.ascii_letters + string.digits)

or maybe all of string.printable instead.

The parameters passed to strategy functions give limited constraint control. Every strategy object has a filter method that returns another strategy so you can customise the values further

even_positive_integers_strat = st.integers(min_value=0)
    .filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
invalid_uk_bank_sort_code_strat = st.text()
    .filter(lambda s: re.match(r"[0-9]{8}$", s) is None)

Note, hypothesis will complain (all complaints can be controlled with profile settings though) if the filter fails to find many matches.


st.integers will generate lots of values above 10,000 but many will fail the hypothetical is_prime filter which can slow the tests or make them give up. The default profile, that can be changed globally or per test, is to run 100 tests. Example default profile change follows:


# Default to heavy
# Override with environment variable or
# pytest cli arguments e.g. --hypothesis-profile "default"
    os.environ.get("HYPOTHESIS_PROFILE", "heavy"))

After a strategy does generate a value it’s always possible to map a function to that value.

st.lists(st.integers()).filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0).map(sorted)

This example turns a random list of even integers into a sorted list.

Custom composite types

class Foo:
    a: int
    b: str
    c: bool
    d: Optional[float] = None

# The wrong way
@given(st.integers(), st.text(), st.booleans(), st.floats() | st.none())

Given a custom composite type like Foo we’d like building a “random” example to be easier. st.builds is a solution here. st.builds(Foo, st.integers(), st.text(), st.booleans()) is the worse way to use it. As the Foo type has type annotations hypothesis can infer the strategies with st.builds(Foo). Default values are not inferred unless required however, d would be left as None.

st.builds(Foo, d=hypothesis.infer)

is the tersest way to make a Foo and infer a value for the field with a default value.

Following typeful development we want to make illegal states unrepresentable (or impossible states impossible). It’s great if st.builds(Foo) always gives us a valid legal Foo but maybe we are relying on some factory function to validate Foo construction, e.g. def make_foo(...) -> Optional[Foo] that returns an Optional if the contructor throws a validation failure ValueError. Well hypothesis will error if it encounters a ValueError when creating examples, so we have to supply a custom strategy.

For something simple like a latitude and longitude we can just provide appropriate parameters to the built in strategy and maybe map the float to the new type.

Longitude = NewType("Longitude", float)
Latitude = NewType("Latitude", float)

st_lat = st.floats(min_value=-90.0,
st_long = st.floats(min_value=-180.0,

If we did have a make_foo function that returns None on invalid examples we could use it inside a custom composite strategy that can be used directly or given to st.register_type_strategy so that st.builds will only use a valid strategy for Foo:

def foo_strategy(draw) -> Foo:
    # pretending validation requires `a` to be even
    a = draw(st.integers().filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0))
    b = draw(st.text())
    c = draw(st.booleans())
    d = draw(st.none() | st.floats().filter(...))
    foo = make_foo(a, b, c, d)
    assert foo is not None
    return foo

st.register_type_strategy(Foo, foo_strategy)

Of course, if we had a type with a validating constructor we could just call that directly within foo_strategy. With fairly basic validation requirements it would also be easy to define a strategy once inline:

foo_strat = builds(Foo,
                   a=st.integers().filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0),
                   d=st.none() | st.floats().filter(...))

Composite strategies are the normal way to generate values with more linked up data - more internally structured data, e.g. one field appearing in someway inside another one. Possibly more readable than calling map on a strategy object aswell.

SalesforceId = NewType("SalesforceId", str)

def salesforce_id_strat(draw) -> SalesforceId:
    uid = draw(st.uuids(version=4))
    return SalesforceId(str(uid))

# v.s.
salesforce_id_strat = st.uuids(version=4)

The composite decorator is convenient when building strategies that are inputs to other strategies on the way to building a final value, though flatmap can be used for that if you find it clearer for smaller strategies.

Feedback Cycle

As implied earlier the definition of properties can positively feedback into the refinement of type constraints.

class Bar:
    a: int

If Bar processing code has logic that treats negative numbers differently and then we find randomly generated negative numbers are an annoyance, we may switch to making a NonNegativeInt new type for a and provide appropriate upgraded validators and strategies for Bar. The logic has become simpler by refining the types and making negative integers impossible state.

Stateful Testing

Final new ideas, as this is a long post. Whilst property testing was created in a pure functional programming environment, it can be used for stateful testing. We can use a strategy that generates random actions/instructions that tell us what to do with an imperative stateful object. For example, add an item to a dictionary, try to remove one etc. Hypothesis has stateful testing support, though I’ve not tried it. I do have examples of stateful property testing in F# for testing a mutable disjoint set and mutable heap (priority queue).

Further reading

That’s enough for an introduction, this F# property testing article gives advice on how to design property tests, more than just some of the mechanics. Remember the benefit of property testing is that we test with lots of values, common path or not, and use those tests to refine the value handling logic and/or constrain the types further to work with all values in that type’s set.

Notes from a software engineer with two decades working in various industries - games, poker and gambling, music streaming and telecommunications. Likes fast code and functional programming. Based in the UK.

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